We are now accepting applications for Spring 2025. If you are interested in joining us, please review the requirements below and place an application for Spring 2025.
Requirements to become an Associate
An Associate Member is a student who is interested in participating in our chapter's activities but does not yet meet all the eligibility requirements to become a Candidate or Initiated Member. This membership level allows students to engage with the chapter, attend events, and begin building connections within Beta Alpha Psi as they work toward meeting the criteria necessary for candidacy and eventual full initiation. The requirements for associate membership are listed below:
College Major
Undergraduate students must be actively pursuing a major (or minor) in one of the following:
Management Information Systems
Graduate students must be currently enrolled in the MACC or MBA program.
Associates must attend a minimum of 6 professional meetings per semester, either virtually or in-person. Exceptions are made via unanimous board member vote for extenuating circumstances.
Students must have a minimum major GPA of 3.0 and one of the following:
An institution (UWF) and/or combined transfer GPA of 3.0
A GPA of 3.25 in the most recent 60 hours
All members, regardless of type, must pay $40 in dues. These dues help keep the chapter operational and contribute to national fees.
Are you a student who doesn’t yet meet all the requirements to become a Candidate but wants to participate until you do? Apply for Associate Membership below, pay the same dues, and join our meetings without needing to meet the full membership requirements.
Requirements to become a Candidate
A Candidate Member is a student who meets all the eligibility requirements to be considered for candidacy at the beginning of the semester. This membership level is for students actively pursuing candidacy, with the goal of becoming an Initiated Member. Upon successfully completing the candidacy requirements throughout the semester, students will be initiated as full-fledged members at the end of the term. The requirements for becoming a Candidate Member are outlined below:
College Major
Undergraduate students must be actively pursuing a major (or minor) in one of the following:
Management Information Systems
Graduate students must be currently enrolled in the MACC or MBA program.
Students must have a minimum major GPA of 3.0 and one of the following:
An institution (UWF) and/or combined transfer GPA of 3.0
A GPA of 3.25 in the most recent 60 hours
Course Completion
Undergraduate students must have completed, or be on track to complete by the end of the semester, the following courses based on their major:
Accounting: ACG 3101 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Finance: FIN 3403 Managerial Finance and an upper level 3000-4000 course other than FIN 3403
Management Info Systems: ISM 3011 e-Business Systems Fundamentals
Candidates must attend a minimum of 6 professional meetings per semester, either virtually or in-person. Exceptions are made via unanimous board member vote for extenuating circumstances.
Service Hours
Candidates must complete a minimum of 10 service hours per semester, which can be fulfilled through tutoring or participation in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
All members, regardless of type, must pay $40 in dues. These dues help keep the chapter operational and contribute to national fees.
Are you a student who meets all the requirements to become a Candidate and seek to eventually become an initiated member? Apply for Candidate Membership below, fulfill the candidacy requirements throughout the semester, and get initiated as a full-fledged member at the end of the term.
Requirements to become an Initiated Member
An Initiated Member is a student who has successfully completed all candidacy requirements and has been formally recognized as a full-fledged member of our chapter. This membership level reflects your dedication to academic excellence, leadership, and service. To maintain good standing within the chapter and remain an active member, previously initiated members must continue to meet the following ongoing requirements:
College Major
Undergraduate students must be actively pursuing a major (or minor) in one of the following:
Management Information Systems
Graduate students must be currently enrolled in the MACC or MBA program.
Students must have a minimum major GPA of 3.0 and one of the following:
An institution (UWF) and/or combined transfer GPA of 3.0
A GPA of 3.25 in the most recent 60 hours
Course Completion
Undergraduate students must have completed, or be on track to complete by the end of the semester, the following courses based on their major:
Accounting: ACG 3101 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Finance: FIN 3403 Managerial Finance and an upper level 3000-4000 course other than FIN 3403
Management Info Systems: ISM 3011 e-Business Systems Fundamentals
Initiated Members must attend a minimum of 6 professional meetings per semester, either virtually or in-person. Exceptions are made via unanimous board member vote for extenuating circumstances.
Service Hours
Initiated Members must complete a minimum of 10 service hours per semester, which can be fulfilled through tutoring or participation in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
All members, regardless of type, must pay $40 in dues. These dues help keep the chapter operational and contribute to national fees.